The Value of the Basic Dimensions and Its Unification of the Criminal Evidence Law 刑事证据法价值关怀的基本向度及其统一
The Principle of Criminal Evidence is referred to the ratiocination of "the evidence" and "factum probandum". 刑事证据法则,乃是指「证据」与「待证事项」的推论关系。
Criminal evidence open system is one of basic criminal evidence systems that the modem criminal law of worldwide nations set up. 刑事证据开示制度是世界各国现代刑事诉公法所确立的基本刑事证据制度之一。
With the reform of public prosecutor system, it is essential to establish the standards of criminal evidence. 公诉证明标准与公诉标准不是同一的概念,公诉标准还要对公共利益及刑事政策进行权衡。
The form of criminal evidence division is a fundamental problem in the legislation and theoretical research of criminal evidence. 刑事证据形式划分是刑事证据立法和理论研究中的一个基本问题。
As a very important form of evidence in criminal evidence, real evidence has a great significance in theory and practice of the law of evidence. 物证作为刑事证据中的一种重要的存在形式,在证据法学理论和实践中具有十分重要的意义。
At the request of the US customs service and the Federal Bureau of investigation, the ICAC helped in the collection of criminal evidence through the deployment of undercover agents. 廉署应美国海关部门及联邦调查局的要求,曾派遣底人员协助?集罪证。
The standard of proof on a judgment of conviction is the most important problem of the research on criminal evidence rule in China. 有罪判决证明标准问题是我国刑事证据规则研究的重要课题。
If criminal evidence is found on his body or at his residence; 在身边或者住处发现有犯罪证据的;
Seeking Balance between Resistance and Cooperation& Thought on the Legal Economic Angel of Process Mechanism of Criminal Evidence Showing System 在对抗与合作中寻求衡平&刑事证据开示制度运行机理的法经济学视角的思考
As the one of the most important part, the system of criminal evidence discovery is changing together with the criminal suit mode and the adjudgement system. 而刑事证据开示制度作为诉讼模式和审判制度改革的重要一环一直伴随其中。
In a case of private prosecution for which criminal evidence is lacking, if the private prosecutor cannot present supplementary evidence, the court shall persuade him to withdraw his prosecution or order its rejection. 缺乏罪证的自诉案件,如果自诉人提不出补充证据,应当说服自诉人撤回自诉,或者裁定驳回。
A New Probing into Strict Testification& On Legislation of Criminal Evidence in China; The judge had cognizance of the new facts in your case. 严格证明新论&兼议我国的刑事证据立法法官注意到了你案件中的新证据。
In practice, we can conform criminal evidence according to direct judging, analyzed judging, comparative eliminating and demonstrating to conform criminal evidence. 实际勘查中我们可以通过直接判断法、分析判断法、比较排除法、实验论证法来确定犯罪物证。
Among the criminal cases, the criminals of theft cases always do their best to destroy criminal evidence and disguise the scene for making the scene more complicated in order to escape from attacking. 在刑事案件中,盗窃案件的作案人为了逃避打击,总是千方百计毁灭罪证,伪装现场使得盗窃案件现场的情况更加复杂。
The research of using criminal evidence ii. 刑事证据运用研究。
The role that verbal confession, as part of criminal evidence, plays in the process of case investigation and trial, has constantly been valued. 口供作为刑事证据之一,在案件侦查和审理中所发挥的作用,历来为广大办案人员所重视。
Fourth, the proposals to innovate and consummate the rule of criminal evidence; 我国现行刑事证据制度的改革和完善;
The criminal evidence law is closely related with ethics. 刑事证据法与伦理具有密切的关联。
"Conscience proof" of she xiang lin case refraction the embarrassed of criminal evidence in china. 佘祥林案中的良心证明折射出了我国刑事证据运用中的尴尬。
Standards of proof in guilty judge is one of most talktive problem in the study of criminal evidence. 有罪判决证明标准是我国刑事证据理论研究中争议最大的问题之一。
The research in theory and practice brings new chance to the construction of criminal evidence system. 法律理论界和实践界适时而做的探讨和尝试为刑事证据规则体系的建立带来了新的契机。
The determination of the judge to criminal evidence actually means review and judgement of criminal evidence. 法官对刑事证据的认证,实际上就是对刑事证据的审查判断。
Criminal evidence statement system best illustrates the value of justice and efficiency of the criminal procedures. 刑事证据开示制度集中体现了刑事诉讼的公正价值和效率价值。
Exclusionary rules of illegally gained evidence is a hot topic in proving criminal evidence legislation. 非法证据的排除规则是目前我国论证刑事证据立法中的一个热点问题。
For their criminal liability, we can apply the presumption theory of criminal evidence system to solve it. 刑事责任问题,基本上可以运用刑事证据规则上的推定理论,谨慎地加以解决。
The third part: Study on discovery of criminal evidence in our country. 第三部分:我国刑事证据开示制度研究。
The so-called admissibility is a character that the criminal evidence is permitted by law as the final decision. 所谓可采性是指刑事证据被法律容许作为定案根据的性质。
In traditional theory of criminal evidence law, the related proof theory is based around conviction control. 在传统刑事证据法理论中,有关实体法的证明理论皆以规范定罪活动为中心。
Security Measures continue to develop and perfect in debate between the Criminal Classical School and the Criminal Evidence School. 保安处分制度便是在刑事古典学派与刑事实证学派的争论中不断发展和完善的。